Old Style Animation

Monday, September 8, 2008

Presenting~ Ooh... (@_@)

Hehehee.. now THIS entry is for THIS week. Hehee.. Shame on me! Anyway, today is the presenetation for last week's tasks. Actually, due to the time constrain, my group was not able to presents our part. But, it's ok.. We were able to listen to the other 8 groups. 8! Lucky number! Hehee...

Anyway, now the I finally found out about the others' topics (Learning with and without course book etc) I find that all the topics presented was so interesting and relevent to us as teacher-to-be. We need to know the advantages and disadvantages of certain things such as the '4 half an hour sessions'. I never really thought that there are reasons for the school and the depatment to design the school timetable as such! Uah! I love to learn new things! New infos! Hm, the book that maam had (where all of our notes were taken from) is so interesting. If only maam had asked everybody to have a copy of it and make it as our reference. But, it's okay. Now, everyone had pices of the book. I just need to borrow it from them, photocopy, and have myself a very useful book! Hehee. As what an old Malay advertisement said 'Kalau nak hidup, kena la bijak!'. Well obviously, you need to be able to manipulate things around you to move further in life AND study! That's why people said, study SMART!

Hehee.. I guess, I'll stop now. Hope that next time, my internet connection won't be as terrible as last week. Then, I would be able to write an entry on time. Hm, sorry.. It's fasting month (^_^"). Hehee.. See ya'!

I'm Sorry...

Actually, this entry is for last week... I'm so sorry.. The internet connection at my place was terrible. Wargh!! I want my fast U-Mobile back!! Hm.. Well, maam was absent last week but she did leave some tasks for us. Such a responsible lecturer. I hope that all educator would be like her - not abandoning their pupils no matter where they are. I can still remember, when I was in my primary school. When I pass by certain class, I could see the teacher sleeping and the pupils were running here and there. Maybe he's not feeling well but at least, he should consider about the pupils, especially when they are only primary pupils who are HYPERACTIVE!!!

Anyway, lets go back to the main point - the task that maam gave us. We need to summarize a topic into Power Point and present it to the friends. We? Presenting in front of the class? Well, that really motivated us to produce a quality work so that we won't embarrass ourselves in front of our class. Hehee.. Nice tactic, maam! I surely can apply that in my teaching later on.

Hm.. About the e-book that we handed in on the same day. Well, I'm surely people will be a bit pissed off looking at my booklet because the printing was here and there (er.. How to say? In Malay - 'senget'). This is all because of my printer. I don't know what's wrong with it but it caused nearly all my printouts like that. Uhuhuu.. So sad.. I just bought it last year.. And it's a 3 in 1... Quite expensive.. Uhuhu.. And again, I'm sorry maam, that you have to bear with my 'senget' printouts..

Till we meet again.. Sorry...