It's the last week of class before our raya holiday. Hehehee.. So excited! I haven't went back to Penang since... Err.. Since... So long, I can't remember... (>_<) Finally, holiday... But... There's still much to do by raya. Tonnes of assignment. Hm.. Student life... Uhuhuu.. It's okay, Azian. Good luck, good luck!
Today, we presented our Power Point Presentation. My group's topic was on Virtual Realia. Actually, the article given to us was about a guy, promoting his website named Virtual Realia. Hm.. Amirah and I tried our best to show the website to the class but it was in vain... The website was designed in 1997 and it is no longer exist.. Uhuhuu.. Sorry class... We really did try to share our findings with you... However, the topic we got were very intersting. I never knew that there was such thing as virtual realia before. If only the website is available, I'm sure there will be lots of resources and aids for us to explore and manipulate in our teaching.
Hm.. What else to write... Oh yeah! We were given another task. I was so excited to start looking for the articles but I wasn't sure about the criteria for the articles but... The task question is not there in ADEC yet. Mark requested maam to post it so, I'm pretty sure that it will be there soon. Anyway, while waiting for the task question, I'll give myself a short break and have a nice lil' cup of Old Town White Coffee. Hehheee.. Aiyo, Azian.. You keep giving excuses to be lazy. Well, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, isn't it? Hehheee... See? More excuses! Terrible Azian!
Sorry... Let's come back to our main point. PBEY 3102!!!! Hm, This terrible Azian hasn't started with her 3rd assignment yet.. I think I need to buy a Year 1 KBSR English text book to understand more about my topic before I start doing my lesson plans.. Hm.. Goodluck to me! See ya'!
P/s_ Still remember about my laptop? It's fien now! Hehehehee.. Don't ask me how it ghappened. I accidentally push the DVD rom quite hard while I was cleaning my room one day and when I looked back, it went in! The driver went in! I even tried reading some CDs and DVDs and it functioned well! Alhamdulillah.. Rezeki bulan puasa.. Hehehe.. Thank God..